Category: Marketing

  • Kicking Off The Freelancing Business

    Looking for a writer for your website? Or need someone to edit your work? Or need to finally make the jump and have a site built for you that you can maintain? Check out the Work With Me page and contact me to help you grow your business. I love helping small businesses get their…

  • Check out the Book!

    We are published! Something you don’t hear very often. Our sister site,, published the first book of hopefully many.  We have been looking at a variety of ways to make money to support the horses. For just $5.99 you get a great book about how to choose your next horse. AND you help feed…

  • 7 No Cost Tips to Market Your Business

    7 No Cost Tips to Market Your Business

    Marketing your business can be fun, exciting and creative. It can also be very frustrating and expensive if one doesn’t know what outcome they are looking for or how to evaluate cost effective methods of marketing. Below are seven proven strategies sure to increase visibility, leads, and sales. 1. Business Cards Business cards are often…

  • How To Research A Niche Market

    Getting people to your website is a very important skill. It’s not just about writing content and generating a buzz around it, although those are important skills too. If you area small business then you have your niche figured out.  If you are wanting to start something on the web or grow what you are…

  • Creating a Tailored Marketing Plan

    There are numerous aspects involved in developing an marketing plan. From budget to end goal, website marketing is a long-term process. It is also detailed process, which is the reason many site owners hire a marketing specialist to help them plan.  If you want some help with this check out our rates here. To start,…

  • How To Write A Sales Page That Sells

    How To Write A Sales Page That Sells

    Trying to write a sales page can be difficult. There are many things that you’ll need to keep in mind when creating a sales page, and though it may be hard, each of the tips below are surely going to help you out. Here are the keys elements on how to write a sales page…

  • How To Stay Focused In Your Home Business

    How To Stay Focused In Your Home Business

    Working from home takes a lot of self discipline. It is important if you are going to be working from your home and running the business yourself that you understand how to stay focused with your home business. One of the first things that will help you to stay focused is making sure that each…

  • How Social Media Helps Businesses Get More Exposure

    How Social Media Helps Businesses Get More Exposure

    In order for a business to truly prosper, it will need all the exposure that it can get. Too many people believe that a business just needs to exist for it to succeed but you will need to understand how social media helps businesses get more exposure. More People Everyone these days will have an…

  • 5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Commissions

    Of course, even if you do know how to make sales, I’m sure you want to make more, right? Well, here are are just 5 simple ways to boost your commissions. Yahoo Answers To get more exposure quickly and nearly instantly, try going to Yahoo Answers and leaving some good feedback on certain questions. Leave…

  • How To Manage Your Time

    One of the biggest problems that people have is that they simply have bad time management. This is something that hinders students and adults from ever achieving success in life and something truly needs to be done. Most people will admit that they have trouble with this problem but successful people will talk about how…