A Year In Review…

Sierra Ranch front pasture.  Weeds killed and grass mowed. – June 2014

Today marks one year since I have become single again.  I never really thought much about where I would be at this point in the beginning.  I was too busy learning to live a life that I loved and with people that cared about me.

Now that the first year is behind me the “What to do next” bug has bitten.  I have been working on what comes next.  The first order of business what getting the horse herd to a manageable size.  I am still working on selling several of the horses.  If you are looking for a horse or a way to help the horses, then please check out the Sierra Ranch Herd Dispersal Sale.

I have started a side business and will be expanding some.  You can see the  Damsel In Defense site. (Update: Check out Stormy Orchid, LLC)  There is everything there to protect yourself and ideas on how to help others.  I have a demo kit and would love to have some parties to show off what cool products we have. Contact me and we will set something up.

Things I have learned in the last year?  Live the life you love.  Take the time to play and enjoy the people around you.  Let go of the negative folks around you.  I have lost some pretty good fur friends this last year and gained some new ones.  I have found that not all guys are scared by the fact that I shoot, am pretty good at it, and like purple guns. I know it seems I put lots of things up about having a positive attitude, but sometimes that is all you have.  I am blessed to be able to look at any situation and find the good.

Now to go work on my new project and get it ready to hit the streets soon.  Someone buy a horse so that I can get moving on this new venture.  It will be AMAZING!

To Your Success, 
Deb Stowers


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